Friday, August 17, 2007

Forgetting to blog everyday!!

As it is a new activity for me, I am forgetting it pretty easily. I wish I update the blog in pretty short intervals, if not once a day.

I am late for the day today, and so would be posting on Monday or so...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blogging.. me too joined now!!

Never have thought that I would be bringing in a new blog for myself to share. But it is time for me to start it now, as goes the saying "Better now than later".

I have tried a lot of ways to spread across daily quotes or short stories or jokes or some news or a good article or whatever makes me think that I need to share. But most of them had been shortliving. So I thought that let me be true to myself at first. Share what I think in this blog, and invite friends, colleagues & relations to view the same. It is just an invite, and so it is upto the individual to accept it or not.

I am just planning to start with a few short stories, might be real ones, for everyone to spend time with. Also I appreciate your comments to improve upon my skills and to make the blog more interesting.